Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

General chair, scientific chair
Member of the organizing committees
  • C. Barillot is member of the Board of Directors of IPMI conference series (Information Processing in Medical Imaging)

  • C. Barillot was member of the Scientific Program Board of ESMRMb 2015 (Edinburgh, UK)

  • G. Edan is founder and co-organizer of the annual ARSEP-MRI symposium since 2015

  • G. Edan is co-chair of the executive board of the “European charcot foundation” symposium since 2000

Scientific events selection

  • C. Barillot is area chair of SPIE Medical Imaging 2015

Chair of conference program committees
  • C. Barillot was Chair of MAPPING Miccai Workshop, Munich, Germany, 2015

Member of the conference program committees
  • C. Barillot was TPC member of MICCAI workshops (Patch-MI 2015, MCV 2015), CCGrid - Life 2015

  • O. Commowick was TPC member of MICCAI 2015

  • O. Commowick was TPC member of IEEE ISBI 2015

  • P. Maurel was TPC member of IEEE ISBI 2015

  • E. Bannier reviewed for ISMRM 2015


Member of the editorial boards
  • C. Barillot is member of Editorial Boards of Medical Image Analysis, Current Medical Imaging Reviews, ISRN Signal Processing

  • C. Barillot is Editor-in-Chief of Frontiers in ICT: Computer Image Analysis.

Reviewer - Reviewing activities
  • IEEE TIP (CB), IEEE TMI (OC, PM), Medical Image Analysis (CB, SP, OC), NeuroImage (CB, OC, IC), Neuroimage clinical (CB), Hum. Brain Map. (CB), Phys. Med. Biol. (CB), Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (CB), Comput. Med Im & Graph (CB), Comp Meth & Prog in Biomed (CB), IEEE Signal Proc. Let. (CB), Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (EC), Plos-ONE (CB, EC), IJICT (CB), IJSISE (CB), IJCVR (CB), Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (CB, PM), Magma (CB), Trans on Parallel and Dist. Sys. (CB), Neurobiology of Aging (IC).

Invited talks

  • G. Edan - “Natural history of Multiple Sclerosis”, International congress of Multiple Sclerosis, Porto, Feb 2015 (Porto)2015

  • I. Corouge and J. Guillaumont - "Shanoir: a solution for neuro-imaging data management", Gen2bio National congress, La Baule, March 2015

  • B Carsin-Nicol and J. Guillaumont - "Présentation du protocole IRM recommandé par l’OFSEP et du projet Shanoir", CIRGO - Colloque inter-régional du Grand Ouest , Nantes, December 2015

  • C. Barillot - "Science Data Ecosystem in Medical Imaging", Data Science symposium : Science Data Ecosystem workshop, IRISA, Nov. 19th

  • C. Barillot - "Imagerie de population: Noeud FLI−IAM", Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, Oct. 15th, 2015

Leadership within the scientific community

  • G. Edan was elected Fellow of the European Academy of Neurologie. Member of the EAN teaching committee in 2015

  • C. Barillot is member of the Scientific Council of the INS2I Institute of CNRS since 2011 and is Chairman of the Board since 2015 (http://csins2i.irisa.fr )

  • C. Barillot is member of the C3N committee (CNRS)

  • C. Barillot is member of the scientific board of "GIS France Grilles"

  • C. Barillot is member of the Governing Board of the "Pole de compétitivité Images & Réseaux"

Scientific expertise

  • C. Barillot chaired an evaluation committe for the FET-Flagship "Human Brain Project"

  • C. Barillot reviewed for the Vienna Business Agency Foundation

  • C. Barillot reviewed for the National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore

  • C. Barillot reviewed for the Research Council of KU Leuven

  • C. Barillot reviewed for the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.

  • C. Barillot was member of the admission committee for the Research Director competition of CNRS